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About our Community

We seek to live into the radical hospitality and love which God demonstrated to the world. 

We welcome and invite persons of every age, race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, economic status, marital status, family situation, nationality, physical or mental ability, religious background, political affiliation, or life circumstance to participate in the worship, life, ministries, and leadership of the church.

Our Beliefs

United Methodists share a common heritage and core beliefs with all Christians. And yet there are things that make us unique as United Methodists as well. The Methodist movement was begun by Rev. John Wesley, an 18th century Anglican priest who sought to revitalize the church while changing people’s lives for the better. There are many denominations that hold to a Wesleyan heritage, with The United Methodist Church, being the largest.

The Bible

We believe that the Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit, and that “it contains all that is necessary and sufficient for salvation.” We do not believe in the fundamentalist position that scripture was either dictated by God or is infallible. Instead, through our Wesleyan heritage, we properly read scripture within the believing community, interpreting texts within their place in the Bible as a whole, and we are aided by scholarly inquiry and personal insight under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We emphasize what has become known as the Wesleyan Quadrilateral, which says that we read scripture through the use of tradition, experience and reason. Because of the importance of scripture in the development of our faith, we set an expectation that we will be reading the Bible daily, and provide different resources to facilitate that process.



We believe that worship is essential to our practice of the faith. However, we do not worship because God needs our worship, or will strike us down if we don’t worship, or don’t worship properly. Instead, worship is the natural outgrowth of celebrating and recognizing the work that God has already done, and continues to do in our lives. The communal element of worship, of being together as one body, is also important in developing our faith. Like most other Protestant traditions, the reading of scripture, and teachings on the day’s readings are the central focus of worship. As Methodists we are also a “singing people”, and hymns and songs also play a central role in worship. We alternate each week between traditional worship, using hymnals and older songs, and contemporary, which uses more recent praise songs.



In its simplest terms, Grace is God’s unmerited favor and love poured out for the world. It is God’s grace that conveys God’s saving actions into our lives, and gives us the strength to endure life’s challenges. In the Methodist tradition, we believe there are three types of grace. Prevenient grace – the grace that comes before. This is God’s love given for everyone, even if we don’t recognize it or the need for this grace. This is universal grace with no restrictions on who can or cannot receive God’s grace. Justifying grace – the moment we recognize the need for God’s grace in our lives to provide and guide us to healing and wholeness. It is when we accept God’s grace for ourselves and seek to live lives centered in Christ. Sanctifying grace – while this idea is found in other traditions, it does take on a unique understanding in the Methodist tradition and is known as Christian Perfection. As we seek to live our lives more and more like Christ, we seek to be moving on to perfection such that our hearts will be so full of the love of God that we no longer willfully sin. This is, however, a temporary state, and most of our lives are spent on a sliding scale of doing good and needing improvement, and thus a common statement in Methodism is that “we are moving on to perfection.” We believe that God’s grace is resistible and that we have to make the conscious choice to accept God’s grace, to live in God’s grace and to offer God’s grace to the world. It is a decision we get to make every moment of every day as we seek to grow and strengthen our faith and relationship with God and with each other.



We believe that prayer is one of the primary ways in which we are connected with God and with each other. Prayer is the first of our membership vows, and the second of our church’s values, because of its importance in the practice and development of our faith. Being unsure of how to pray is natural, and even the disciples asked Jesus how to pray. Prayer is not about asking God for things, or telling God what to do, prayer is part of our dialogue with God of seeking guidance, help and support. Since it is a dialogue, prayer also requires taking the time to be silent and be in the presence of God in order to listen. We believe that the movement of the Holy Spirit will sometimes provide the answers to our prayers in the most unlikely times and from the most unlikely people. Prayer can also take place not just through talking but through scripture reading, meditation, or other things when they are intentionally set up to connect us with God. We offer classes on prayer, and ways of being in prayer, on a routine basis.

Prayer Candles


Doubt, or asking questions, is a natural and healthy part of faith. While we do believe in some absolutes, such as that God is love, in order to grow and develop in our faith we believe that our faith must be dynamic and moving with the changing realities of our life and world. While there are people who are prominent due to position or education, we do not believe they have all the answers. They too are learning and changing and growing in their prayer, study and conversations with others. And often, our questions do not lead to concrete answers, but instead to more questions, and that’s okay. As soon as our faith gets set hard, like concrete, it will crack when challenged or pushed in new ways. We want our faith to support us and provide a foundation for living, but to be flexible and supple enough to grow and change with us over time. This is why one of our values is to be growing in faith.

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the Christ

As Christians, as believe that Jesus is the guide to how we should live, and his teachings are found in the New Testament works. We believe that he is the second person of the trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) and that he lived, taught, died and was resurrected. Jesus is the Christ, the Greek word for Messiah, the savior, and was sent not to condemn the world, but to redeem it. To bring healing and wholeness, to restore us into right relationship with God and with each other. When we are looking for how to live our lives, we seek to follow his teachings not by asking “what would Jesus do?” but instead “What has Jesus called us to do?” While we know that others find alternate paths to God, we find our path by following Jesus and believing in him as our savior and redeemer.


Baptism and Communion

Like most other protestant denominations, we practice two sacraments: Baptism and Communion. We believe that sacraments are an outward and visible sign of an inward and invisible grace that is conveyed by God. That ultimately means that while the sacraments are performed by humans, God is the primary actor in these activities. Baptism - which can be performed by water being poured on the head, or by full immersion, is the initiation right into the church. Christians are made, not born. It is the initiation not just into the grace of God, as God claims us as beloved children, but it is also the initiation into the body of Christ, the church. As such, we do not perform private baptisms, except in extenuating circumstances, as the members of the church also take vows on behalf of those being baptized to support them in their Christian journey. We can baptize persons at any age, but we do not rebaptize anyone as God is forever faithful to God’s side of the relationship. We can, however, reaffirm our baptism, and we normally do that ceremony in worship at least once a year. Communion - while John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist movement, called for people to receive communion as often as they could, we serve and receive communion on the first Sunday of each month, except for special times of the year. We believe that while Christ is present with us at the table, the elements do not become the literal body and blood of Christ, though there are certainly members of the church who do hold to different beliefs. As we gather at the table we not only remember Christ’s saving actions on our behalf, but we are also re-membered as the body of Christ, being united through the actions not just with those present, but with Christians around the world and all the saints who have come before us. In the United Methodist Church, we practice a genuinely open communion table and invite everyone regardless of background or belief to receive the bread and the cup together.


Social Holiness and Personal Holiness

As Methodists we do not believe there is a separation between our personal faith and how that faith is lived out. When we accept God’s saving grace on our behalf, the only appropriate response, in John Wesley’s words, is to live that faith out in our lives. Or to quote from the Letter of James (part of the New Testament) “Faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead… show me your faith apart from your works, and I by my works will show you my faith” (James 2:17-18) Since our earliest days the emphasis on both of these activities has been crucial to the lives of Methodists, and there is a call to hold what can be polar opposites in tension with each other. This can be found in what has become known in Methodist circles as the three simple rules: Do no harm; do good; stay in love with God.


Inclusion and

We believe that just as we are reconciled to God through Christ, so too are we called to be agents of reconciliation, to be ambassadors for Christ in the world. Part of this action requires us to see others not “from a human point of view” but to see them as God sees them. (2 Corinthians 5:16, 18-20) Therefore, we welcome all people, regardless of who you are or what you believe, to join in this walk and journey of faith.

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Church Staff

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Rev. John Nash

Sr. Pastor - District Elder

Rev. John W. Nash was born in Phoenix and moved to New Mexico in 1994. He is a graduate of the University of New Mexico, with a degree in Political Science and Religion, and holds a M.A. in Liberal Arts from St. John’s College, a M.Div. (Master of Divinity) from Boston University, and a Th.M. (Master of Theology) from Harvard University where he studied the early Methodist movement in America John and his wife Linda, who works for UNM-Los Alamos, have three daughters, and have been serving in Los Alamos since July 2019. Before being appointed to First UMC, Los Alamos, he served churches in Albuquerque, Melrose and House, New Mexico, as well as the in the Boston area. After returning to New Mexico from New England he was ordained in 2012. In his spare time, Pastor John spends his time watching baseball, especially his beloved New York Yankees, even when he is yelling at them through the tv, reading, spending time with his family and planning his next Christmas light display.

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Julie Risch

Office Administrator

I have lived in Los Alamos in since 2016, when my family moved here from Florida. I’ve been married to my high school sweetheart, Bob, for 35 years. We have two amazing sons, Kenneth and James, who are both Eagle Scouts. I have a bachelor’s degree in interior design from Florida State University. After taking a break from design to raise my boys I began to think about working again. When the job at the church became available it gave me a chance to use my creativity and meet new people. My journey here at First United Methodist Church began in 2017 when I joined the team as the communications director. In 2020, I had the joy of becoming the office manager and have enjoyed serving the church and community since. I grew up in the United Methodist Church and came to love Jesus at a young age. The church has always been an extended family to me and felt like home. Over the years I’ve been active with children’s ministries, choir, and most recently the United Women in Faith in our church family and at the conference level, where I serve as the communications director. Spending most of my life in Florida, I love the ocean but I have come to love the beauty and life that surrounds me here in Los Alamos. I enjoy shopping, hiking and visiting national parks with my family and our dog, Milo. Favorite scripture: Romans 8:38-39 NRSV


Phillip Ortega

Director of Faith Development

I was born and raised in El Paso, TX. I have been working in church ministry since 2010 in almost every area of church life. I started in technical and production ministries, followed by music and worship ministries, then children and youth programming. Before working here in Los Alamos, I served in a homeless ministry in downtown Albuquerque. I love to use technology to help develop the faith of all ages. I am married to my fantastic wife, Norma, a librarian at the Los Alamos Public Library. Together, we raise our brilliant daughter alongside the most beautiful dog in the land. We have been living in Los Alamos since December 2020, and you would need help finding more enthusiastic fans of this town. In my spare time, I and my neurodiversity simply follow where the dopamine is. From video games, disc golf, hiking, tennis, DnD, and playing fetch with the dog. I am a veracious listener of audiobooks at 1.5x speed and love sending my wife TikToks when she is 4 feet away from me. Favorite Scripture: Acts 20:7-12. A lesson to be learned about info-dumping.

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Valerie Collins

Music Director

I grew up in Albuquerque attending Central UMC, earned a Music Education Degree from UNM, and taught in Albuquerque for 6 years. My husband and I moved to Los Alamos in June of 1994 just before my daughter, Amethyst, was born. I am grateful I could stay home to raise her and her 3 brothers, Thomas, Sean, and Andrew, who were born over the next 9 years. I have been blessed to be a part of First UMC Los Alamos since 1995, involved in the music ministries from the beginning. Around 1998, I became a staff member organizing music for the mid-week FOCUS worship, later serving as Children and Families Director, and now Music Director. Through the years I also led Kingdom Kids, a midweek children’s music program, organized multiple Children’s Pageants, Vacation Bible Schools, and a Youth Choir for a short time. In addition to my work with the church, I substituted in the LAPS schools for 5 years when my kids were in school, then began as the Music Teacher at Barranca Mesa Elementary in 2013. I completed my Online Master of Music through UNM in 2022. I separated from my husband in 2017 and we divorced in 2023. Currently, my middle son lives with me as he begins his career, and my youngest is at TTU. My older son lives in Arkansas with his wife and daughter, and my daughter lives in NM with her son and two daughters. Grandchildren are a joy! I love living in Los Alamos, walking in nature, viewing the beautiful mountains, and seeing friends all over town. Reading fiction is my favorite way to relax. First UMC truly is my Church Family and I look forward to many more years of serving and worshiping together.

Ark and Support Staff

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Leigha Oliver

Ark Childcare Director

My name is Leigha Oliver, and I am the Ark Child Development Center director. I have been teaching early childhood education for over 15 years. My passion has always been in the classroom, surrounded by the sounds of learning, laughter, and play. In December 2023, I had the opportunity to expand my career into the management side of our child care center. It has been a fantastic opportunity for growth for me, and I cannot begin to express my gratitude for the privilege of serving all of the families here. Your trust and support mean the world to me. Although I was not born in New Mexico, I have been a resident here almost my entire life. Early childhood education has always been in my blood. I began my journey at the Ark as a mere four-year-old little girl with my mom as a teacher in the classroom next door. Watching my mom be the incredible and kind teacher she is lit a fire in my belly, and so began my love of early childhood education. It has been a beautiful experience to see the Ark from all angles. I started teaching here in 2012. I still remember the excitement and joy I felt when I first stepped into the classroom, and although I've taught at two other centers since then, I always return to my comfort zone. I live in Santa Fe with an incredible 11-year-old daughter, a wonderful fiancé, a naughty orange cat, and a wild puppy. I enjoy hiking, reading good books, psychological thrillers, and a good documentary. Thank you so much for the opportunity to serve your family.


Rafael Maldenado


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Jennifer Hopkins

Ark Childcare Asst. Director

I am a native of Los Alamos, and have two wonderful children of my own. Currently, I am enrolled at Northern New Mexico College to further my education in early childhood. I was lead teacher in the 6 weeks to 1-year class for 5 years. Due to COVID we had less children enrolled and I became the office manager for almost a year. After our enrollment went up, I became lead teacher for ages 1 year to 18 months. I love working with children and want to pursue a career in early childhood. I was then hired as the assistant director in the summer of 2023. I love working with children and I am very excited to be able to go back to school to further my learning and professional qualifications.

Leadership Board

While every church has a group of people selected to lead the church, most have separate committees to handle the different areas, such as, finance, buildings, HR, etc. Instead of separate committees, we have one group, known as the Leadership Board, who handles all these functions together. There are nine members representing a diversity of the congregation, and they are elected every year on one year terms at our fall all church meeting. The leadership board normally meets on the last Tuesday of the month. Everyone is invited to attend and everyone in the church has voice, but only members of the board may vote on items. When the board meets to discuss personnel issues those meetings are closed to board members only and the minutes are not shared publicly. We also have a few other teams like Missions, and Faith Development, whose members are not elected but are filled with people who have a passion for this area and want to take a leadership role. The minutes of the meetings are publicly available and can be downloaded by clicking below.

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